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PEI Adult Immunization
Screening Tool

This assessment screening tool does not have the ability to store or transmit any personal information. Your responses and recommended vaccines cannot be saved by this application and will no longer exist once you leave the web page. You may wish to Print or take a screen shot of these recommendations for your own information.

Find out where these vaccines are offered by visiting the PEI Adult Immunizations webpage.


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This assessment screening tool does not have the ability to store or transmit any personal information. Your responses and recommended vaccines cannot be saved by this application and will no longer exist once you leave the web page. You may wish to Print or take a screen shot of these recommendations for your own information.

Find out where these vaccines are offered by visiting the PEI Adult Immunizations webpage.

Immunization Recommendations based on your Gender and Age
(If you indicated “Yes” to the corresponding question, see the recommendations)
All (recommended regardless of age, gender, or risk factors)
  • COVID-19
  • Influenza
Males and females born after 1970
  • Two doses of MMR vaccine for those born after 1970. (9)
  • Born before 1970 considered to have acquired natural immunity and do not require vaccine (unless travelling outside of Canada, then 1 dose). (1)
Males and females 50 years of age or older
  • HZ ( publicly funded for adults aged 50 and older; access through pharmacy). (1)
Males and females 65 years of age and older
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Males and females 75 years of age and older
  • RSV (Recommended for community dwelling adults 75 years of age and older; not publicly funded access through pharmacy). (1)
Males and females 60 years of age and older and resident of LTC or Community Care
  • RSV (publicly funded for residents of LTC and Community Care facilities). (1)
Immunization Recommendations based on your risk factors
(If you indicated “Yes” to the corresponding question, see the recommendations)
Woman of childbearing age, not pregnant
  • MMR, if non-immune (1)
  • Varicella, if non-immune (2)
Pregnant woman
  • Special considerations: During pregnancy live attenuated vaccines such as MMR, varicella, and yellow-fever should generally not be given due to the theoretical risk of harm to the fetus. There is no reason to suspect that inactivated vaccines may be associated with an increased risk of adverse events when administered during pregnancy. (2)
  • Tdap vaccine should be offered during each pregnancy (irrespective of Tdap immunization history) ideally between 27 and 32 weeks of gestation. Evidence also supports providing maternal Tdap over a wider range of gestational ages, and NACI recommends that it may be provided from 13 weeks up to the time of delivery in view of programmatic and unique patient considerations. (1)
Regular, close contact of an infant or a pregnant woman
  • Tdap (1)
Attending post-secondary school
  • Meningococcal (Men-B)  (1)
  • MMR (1)
  • Hib (1)
  • Meningococcal (Men-B and Men-C-ACYW) (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Sickle-cell disease
  • Hib (1)
  • HB (1)
  • Meningococcal (Men-B and Men-C-ACYW) (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20). (1)
Weakened immune system (congenital/primary immunodeficiency or “immunocompromising conditions” (e.g. long term use of corticosteroids, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, post organ transplant therapy, and certain antirheumatic drugs)
  • Hib if (congenital/primary immunodeficiency, Leukemia or Lymphoma) (1)
  • HB if (congenital/primary immunodeficiency) (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) if (congenital/primary and immunocompromising conditions). (1)
  • Meningococcal (Men-B and Men-C-ACYW) if (congenital/primary) (1)
Diabetes Mellitus
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Cochlear implant
  • Hib (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Organ transplant (solid or HSCT)
  • Hib (1)
  • HB (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20)
  • HSCT: administer 3 doses of Pneu-C-20, 3-9 months after transplant, each 4 weeks apart. Followed by a dose of Pneu-C-20, 6-12 months after the last Pneu-C-20, (12-18 months post-transplant). (1)
  • Meningococcal (Men-B and Men-C- ACYW) (3)
Homelessness (4) (5)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Uses street drugs or has difficulty controlling alcohol alcohol intake
  • HA (1)
  • HB (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
HIV positive
  • Hib (1)
  • HA (1)
  • HB (1)
  • HPV (6)
  • Meningococcal (Men B and Men-C ACYW) (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Heart disease, asthma, chronic lung disease
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Kidney disease
  • HB (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Liver disease diagnosis
  • HA (1)
  • HB (1)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneu-C-20) (1)
Blood clotting disorders/receives blood or blood products
  • HA (1)
  • HB (1)
  • Hib *sickle cell disease (1)
Newcomer to PEI, received childhood vaccines outside of PEI, or missed vaccines as a child
Never had a tetanus-containing vaccine or it has been more than 10 years
  • Tdap (1)
Member of the military
  • Polio (7)
  • MMR (1)
  • Meningococcal (Men-B and Men-C-ACYW) (1)
Work in a refugee camp, or travel to countries where Polio occurs
  • Polio (7)
Family member of an internationally adopted child who will receive the Oral (live) Polio vaccine
  • Polio (7)
Do you plan to travel outside of Canada?
  • MMR (1 dose of those born before 1970 and 2 doses for those born after 1970) (1)
A female in Grade 6 in 2007 or later, missed the HPV vaccine
  • HPV
A male in Grade 6 in 2012 or later, missed the HPV vaccine
  • HPV
MSM or the partner of a MSM and one of the following
  • Have more than one partner
  • Are in a relationship where at least one of the partners has other sexual partners
  • Having had a confirmed sexually transmitted infection acquired in the last year
  • Engage in sexual contact in sex-on-premises venues
  • HA (1)
  • HB (1)
  • HPV (* recommended regardless of age) (1)
  • Imvamune (8)
Unprotected sex with multiple partners, a sexual partner who has unprotected sex with others or repeated STI diagnoses
  • HB (1)
  • HPV (1)
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Works Cited

  1. Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadian Immunization Guide. Canadian Immunization guide. [Online] 2023. [Cited: 10 18, 2023.]
  2. Health PEI. Government of PEI. Varicella zoster (Chicken Pox) and Pregnancy. [Online] August 2016. [Cited: 06 06, 2017.]
  3. Nova Scotia Infectious Disease Expert Group. Vaccine Eligibility Policy for High Risk Conditions. Nova Scotia Department of Health & Wellness. [Online] June 26, 2017. [Cited: 10 18, 2023.]
  4. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Alcohol. Mental Health and Addiction Information. [Online] Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2012. [Cited: 06 2017, 06.]
  5. Canadian Observatory on Homelessness. The Homelessness Hub. Canadian Definition of Homelessness. [Online] 2012. [Cited: 06 06, 2017.]
  6. NACI. Updated Recommendations on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines: 9-valent HPV vaccine and clarification of minimum intervals between doses in the HPV immunization schedule. s.l. : Canadian Immunization Guide Government of Canada, 2016.
  7. Government of Canada. Canadian Immunization Guide: Part 4 - Active Vaccines. Canadian Immunization Guide. [Online] 09 01, 2016. [Cited: 12 06, 2017.] health/services/publications/healthy-living/canadian-immunization- guide-part-4-active-vaccines/page-17-poliomyelitis-vaccine.html#p4c16t1.
  8. Chief Public Health Office. Imvamune Immunization Policy. s.l. : Government of Prince Edward Island, July 2022.
  9. Chief Public Health Office. Adult Immunization Schedule : Government of Prince Edward Island, June 2023